Welcome to Lydia McCauley's Garden of Simples Blog

The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get from it, but what they become by it. - John Ruskin

Lydia McCauley and Kurt Scherer are owners of STONEHOUSE ARTIFACTS, offering Treasures from Colonial India. Online Here.

Our shop is located in Bellingham, Washington. We welcome you to come and visit our small estate, enjoy the grounds and share a cup of Chai.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Late Summer Picnic

Why not gather up some fine china and cloth napkins and pack a Late Summer Picnic?

Blue and White dishes are classic and ever cheerful.

Pick a bouquet of wild flowers on the way.

Here's a vintage basket, linens, ironstone, silverware, and faux bone knives to take along.

Go find a meadow!

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